我们已经报导了濒危树种天目铁木(Ostrya rehderiana Chun)的开花习性和花粉形态。为了寻求此树和濒危原因及保存繁殖的方法,我们还对它的有性繁殖和无性繁殖各方面进行了研究和探索。本文报导对花粉、种子和幼苗的研究结果,重点讨论传粉、种子处理和播种育苗技术。
We have reported the flowering and pollen morphology of the endangered species Ostrya rehderiana Chun. In order to find out the reason why this tree is endangered and how to conserve it, we also study and explore its sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. This paper reports the findings on pollen, seeds and seedlings, focusing on pollination, seed treatment, and sowing techniques.