
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuyuspecialshow
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A 74-year-old lady presented with a painful giant annular abdominal plaque for a duration of 2 years. The plaque developed from a cholecystectomy scar and extended peripherally around it. The patient had had a cholecystectomy for gallstones 10 years previously. She was a diabetic on oral hypoglycaemic agents and had no history of radiotherapy. Physical examination showed a tender well-demarcated annular erythermatous keloid-like plaque, measuring 13 cm × 15 cm, surrounding a cholecystectomy scar. Another smaller oval plaque, measuring 3 cm× 2 cm, was found on the left side of the abdomen (Fig. 1). The initial clinical diagnosis was dermatofibrosarcoma protuberan (DFSP).Adeep incisional biopsy including subcutaneous fatwas performed under local anesthesia for pathological examination. Histologically, there was a plaque-like lesion involving the upper reticular dermis but not extending to the subcutaneous fat. The lesion showed proliferation of spindle-shaped cells arranged in intersecting fascicles and appeared parallel to the skin surface. Only a vague storiform pattern was seen at the edges. The cells had relatively uniform elongated nuclei and mitosis was not seen. The overlying epidermis showed mild hyperplasia with pigmentation of the basal layer (Fig. 2). Smoothmuscle actinwas positive (Fig. 3), desminwas negative and CD34 was negative. The final diagnosis was dermatomyofibroma (DMF). Extra-abdominal fibromatosis was unlikely because broad elongated fascicles among collagenous stroma were not evident, while intersecting fascicles parallel to the skin surface were typical of DMF. The smaller plaque on her left abdomen was excised and gave similar histological and staining results. The giant annular plaque was not excised as the patient refused further surgery. She has since been closely monitored. A 74-year-old lady presented with a painful giant annular abdominal plaque for a duration of 2 years. The plaque developed from a cholecystectomy scar and extended peripherally around it. The patient had had a cholecystectomy for gallstones 10 years previously. She was a diabetic on oral hypoglycaemic agents and had no history of radiotherapy. Physical examination showed a tender well-demarcated annular erythermatous keloid-like plaque, measuring 13 cm × 15 cm, surrounding a cholecystectomy scar. Another smaller oval plaque, measuring 3 cm × 2 cm , was found on the left side of the abdomen (Fig. 1). The initial clinical diagnosis was dermatofibrosarcoma protuberan (DFSP) .Deep incisional biopsy including subcutaneous fatwas performed under local anesthesia for pathological examination. Histologically, there was a plaque-like lesion involving the upper reticular dermis but not extending to the subcutaneous fat. The lesion showed proliferation of spindle-shaped cells arranged in intersec Only one vague storiform pattern was seen at the edges. The overlying epidermis showed mild hyperplasia with pigmentation of the basal layer (Fig. 2 The final diagnosis was dermatomyofibroma (DMF). Extra-abdominal fibromatosis was unlikely because broad elongated fascicles among collagenous stroma were not evident, while intersecting fascicles parallel to the The smaller plaque on her left abdomen was excised and gave similar histological and staining results. The giant annular plaque was not excised as the patient refused further surgery. She has since been closely monitored.
【摘要】近年,英语教育的起点已经提前到小学阶段,小学英语教师的素质直接影响新课标的实施力度,而目前在农村,大多数小学英语教师的教研能力有限,无法很好的完成大纲要求,小学生学习英语的效果也不理想。因此,农村小学英语教师教研能力的培养成为必要,本文将就此提出几点建议。  【关键词】新课标;农村;小学英语教师;教研能力  一、英语教师教学科研能力现状  首先,农村小学英语教师教学能力有限。很多教师并非英
目的 探讨CT导向下放射性125I粒子组织间植入治疗肺癌的技术方法、临床价值和短期疗效.方法对本组24例经活检病理组织学证实的无法手术的肺癌患者,先利用治疗计划系统(TPS)制定计划,然后在CT导向下经皮穿刺植入125I粒子,术后复查CT,详细记录粒子分布情况及并发症.以后每隔1个月复查CT,以观察疗效.结果短期总有效率95.8%(23/24),其中完全缓解20.8%(5/24),部分缓解75.0
面对入世后世界医药经济、科技格局的明显变化 ,以及我国《药品注册管理办法》的全面推行 ,国际、国内医药经济和技术市场发生了重大转变 ,同时也呈现出更大的机遇与挑战。随