
来源 :北方工业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wgl_future
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在计划经济向社会主义市场经济过渡的转型时期,如何走出转型期特有的“失范”、混乱状态,随着社会转型而实现道德转型,无论在理论上,还是在实践中,都是一个重大而迫切的问题。本文认为,作为一种全新的社会组织方式,市杨经济必然会动摇传统道德的基础,使之经受种种冲击与考验;但同时,也必将为克服传统道德的弱点,重建新型道德,提供难得的发展契机。只要我们从实际出发,在大力进行物质文明建设的同时,既加强新型道德规范的建设,又注重人的道德人格的培养;既注意发挥管理者、教育者以及榜样的示范功能,又辅之以种种有效的他律方式;符合社会主义市场经济本质特征的新型道德是一定能建立起来的。 In the period of transition from a planned economy to a socialist market economy, how to get out of the unique “anomie” and chaos in the transition period and realize the moral transformation along with the social transformation are both significant in theory and in practice Urgent problems. This paper argues that as a brand new method of social organization, the economy of Yang City will inevitably shake the foundation of traditional morality and endure various kinds of shocks and tests. At the same time, it will surely overcome the weaknesses of traditional morality and rebuild new morality, The development of opportunity. As long as we vigorously carry out the construction of material civilization, we should not only strengthen the building of a new type of moral norms but also emphasize the cultivation of human moral personality. We should pay attention not only to the demonstration functions of managers and educators, but also to their role models All kinds of effective methods of law enforcement; and the new morality that meets the essential characteristics of the socialist market economy can certainly be set up.
她们是从天宫潜逃下凡的小仙女,她们是招摇在伊甸园里的红苹果,她们甜美鲜嫩,她们青春无敌,她们是Twins——当今华语乐坛最红火的女子乐队! They are absurd little fairy
通过对中医治疗骨科疾病经验的总结, 笔者几十年坚持继承发扬传统中医骨伤科学,为人民治皮外伤、内外伤、四肢骨折、脱位伤、老年人股骨颈、大粗隆骨折伤、颅脑撞伤、颅腔血肿
积极推进信贷结构调整今年以来 ,随着国家扩大内需政策效应进一步增强 ,国民经济呈现稳步增长的趋势 ,贷款市场有效需求转旺。中国工商银行在年初制定的 2 4 0 0亿元贷款计划