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平菇在成熟后,飞散出来的孢子会对一些栽培管理人员引起不同程度的过敏反应,轻者身体感到不适,重者不能坚持工作。为了防止和减轻过敏性疾病的发生,现对其发病症状和防治方法作一简单介绍。发病症状:据国内反映和国外报道,平菇孢子引起的过敏反应症状大致可分为以下几种:1.轻度过敏反应。人们在短时间内接触孢子之后,出现打喷嚏,咳嗽和泪眼,咳嗽时可咯出枯稠 Mushrooms after maturation, sporadic spores will cause some degree of allergic reactions to some cultivation managers, the less the body feel uncomfortable, severe cases can not adhere to work. In order to prevent and reduce the incidence of allergic diseases, now its symptoms and prevention methods for a brief introduction. Symptoms: According to domestic reports and foreign reports, the symptoms caused by ovalis spores can be broadly divided into the following categories: 1. Mild allergic reactions. Sneezing, coughing, and tearing of the eyes after people contact the spores in a short time can make cough when they cough
Did you have to go(你真的走吗?)  And leave my world so cold (我的世界一片凄凉)  对于年龄接近迈克尔杰克逊的中国人来说,他的去世,有“世界一片凄凉”的感觉,这是实实在在的情感。原因无他,在从青年走到中年的近30年的生命历程中,杰克逊留下的印记是那样的清晰。这些印记,远远超越了音乐的内涵,而延展到一个社会文化的缩影。  迈克尔杰克逊,大洋彼岸的歌手