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城乡一体化速度加快,一部分人外出务工,不得不与孩子分离,造成留守儿童数量越来越多。监护人以什么样的态度和方式教育留守儿童会影响到儿童的自我成长和认知态度,且对自尊形成有着举足轻重的作用。留守作一把“双刃剑”对儿童而言意味着个人危机和成长机遇并存。本文将以监护人对留守儿童自尊的影响这一视角展开研究。 The speed of urban-rural integration is accelerating. Some people go out to work and have to separate themselves from their children, resulting in an increasing number of left-behind children. In what kind of attitude and manner does the guardian educate left-behind children, it will affect their self-growth and cognitive attitude and play an important role in the formation of self-esteem. Being left behind as a “double-edged sword” means for children that personal crises and growth opportunities co-exist. This article will examine the impact of guardians on the self-esteem of left-behind children.
目的 探讨脊椎旁刺激法体感诱发电位(SEPs)在脊髓病变患者中进行脊髓功能判断的临床应用价值,并将诱发电位结果与脊髓MRI结果进行比较,初步探讨该方法在脊髓病变中的生理定位价值.方法 应用脊椎旁刺激、头皮记录的直接SEPs法对脊髓病变患者进行SEPs测定及脊髓传导速度(SCCV)测定.结果 共有96例脊髓病变患者行脊椎旁刺激法SEPs及SCCV测定,男53例,女43例,年龄15~75岁,平均46.