流行病学调查显示,我国20岁以上成年人的糖尿病患病率为9.7%,患病人数达9 240万,已成为全球糖尿病患病人数最多的国家[1]。2型糖尿病患者胰岛β细胞功能随病程进展逐渐减退,胰岛素治疗是临床上用于控制2型糖尿病的一种行之有效的治
Epidemiological survey shows that the prevalence of diabetes in our country over 20 years old is 9.7% and the number of patients is 92.4 million. It has become the country with the largest number of diabetes in the world [1]. The function of pancreatic β-cells in patients with type 2 diabetes gradually decreases with the progression of the disease. Insulin therapy is an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes in clinic