【摘 要】
石榴Punica granatum 科属石榴科,石榴属产地伊朗家庭养护指南●阳性,宜在阳光充足的阳台、窗台栽种。●耐寒,生长期宜温暖气候。●盆栽石榴在冬春之间进行一次疏枝,生长期
石榴Punica granatum 科属石榴科,石榴属产地伊朗家庭养护指南●阳性,宜在阳光充足的阳台、窗台栽种。●耐寒,生长期宜温暖气候。●盆栽石榴在冬春之间进行一次疏枝,生长期间适当摘心修剪,
Pomegranate Punica granatum Family is a pomegranate family, pomegranate origin Iranian family conservation guidelines ● positive, should be sunny in the balcony, windowsill planting. ● cold, growing season should be warm climate. ● potted pomegranate in winter and spring to conduct a thinning branch, appropriate during the growth of intricate pruning,
The problem of vibration due to dry friction widely occurs in the engineering fields, for instance, the chatter of the cutting machine, the self-excited vib
目的 对前列腺电切术患者实施综合性护理干预后的临床效果进行分析.方法 将本院100例前列腺患者(2018年1月至2019年12月期间)作为此次研究对象,按照奇偶分组法将患者分为观察
目的 探究在减少院感发生率时优质护理的作用以及患者对其满意程度.方法 在2017年1月到12月中选择在我院就诊的58位患者,用随机法将其分为研究组与参照组各29例,参照组的29例
Vibro-impact systems with two-sided rigid constraints can exhibit special dynamical behaviour.The chaotic motion of the LR model induced by the period-doubl
Given the uncertainties of the capital mar
Chaos.as a very fascinating phenomena, has been extensively studied in mathematic, physics.engineering field and so on in the last decades.The existence of
In this paper, a mathematical model for the mid-span deflection of the beam bridge is given[3].A parametric SD oscillator[3-4] with time-dependent stiffness
目的 探析对慢阻肺伴呼吸衰竭患者采用雾化吸入治疗后的护理方法及效果.方法 选取2018年8月至2020年8月,我院收治的慢阻肺伴呼吸衰竭患者70例,将患者统一编号后随机将这70例