
来源 :城市规划通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:falaong
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自今年起,河北省定州市将积极实施城市绿化“内增外扩”战略,努力增加城市绿量,加大城市中心区的绿化建设力度,加强公园、游园建设,大力推进城郊绿化,形成城乡一体的绿化体系。今年底,城市建成区绿化覆盖率、绿地率、人均公园绿地面积将分别达到40%、35%和10平方米。具体措施包括:加强综合性公园和大型绿地建设,使公园布局合理、功能齐全,绿化植物配置合理,与周围环境协调一致;对原有绿地系统进行升级改造,结合城市道路建设和旧城改造,建成社区 Since the beginning of this year, Dingzhou City, Hebei Province, will actively implement the strategy of urban greening and “expanding foreign investment”, strive to increase urban green space, intensify greening in urban centers, strengthen the construction of parks and gardens, and vigorously promote the greening of urban suburbs , Forming a green system of urban and rural areas. By the end of this year, the green coverage rate, green space rate and per capita parkland area of ​​urban built-up areas will reach 40%, 35% and 10 square meters respectively. The concrete measures include: strengthening the construction of comprehensive parks and large-scale green areas, making the parks reasonable in layout, full-featured in functions, afforestation of plants reasonably and in harmony with the surrounding environment; upgrading and rebuilding the original green space system, combining the construction of urban roads and the renovation of old cities, Build a community
目的 探讨放射性核素胶体32p在胸壁小切口辅助电视胸腔镜肺叶切除治疗Ⅱ期肺癌中应用的可能性。rrrrrrrrn方法 在双腔管气管插管常规全麻下实施电视胸腔镜手术。术中健侧肺单
Nighttime sap flow is a potentially important factor that affects whole-plant water balance and water-use efficiency(WUE). Its functions include predawn disequi
在探讨潘家口水库及上游泥沙防治途径的基础上,计算了水库减淤与保持库容间的关系,并据此作了经济效益初步分析及评价。 On the basis of discussing the ways of preventin
氮化镓高电子迁移率晶体管(Ga N HEMT)器件具有高功率和功率密度、高导热率、高击穿场强、宽工作频带等特点,适合小型化、宽频带、大功率应用。基于Ga N功率器件的特点研制了