摘 要:岸线保护与利用是黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的重点工作。针对黄河下游开展适应新形势的岸线保护与利用量化分析方法研究,结合前期相关研究成果,科学划定原阳岸线范围,并从时间和空间两个角度分析2000—2015年原阳岸线土地利用结构变化情势及驱动因素。在此基础上,根据原阳岸线防洪安全、经济发展和生态保护的多重要求,构建了权衡经济效益、社会效益和生态效益的多目标优化模型,并模拟2025年原阳岸线保护与利用情景预案。结果表明:该方法能够从数量结构上对原阳岸线保护与利用进行优化配置,并给出不同侧重(经济效益、生态效益)的情景预案,为黄河流域岸线开发利用提供一种量化的研究方法与思路。
中图分类号:TV853;TV882.1 文獻标志码:A
Abstract: The protection and utilization of water front is the essential part of ecological protection and high quality development of the Yellow River Basin. Focusing on the lower reaches of the Yellow River, this paper conducted a study on quantitative methods of water front protection and utilization, which could meet the new developing requirements. We scientifically determined the scope of Yuanyang water front on the basis of previous relevant research, and deeply analyzed the changes of land use structure of Yuanyang water front in 2000-2015 and its drive mechanisms in time and space. Then, we built a multi-objective optimization model after balancing economic, social and ecological benefits, in accordance with the multiple demands on flood control, economic development and ecological protection for Yuanyang water front. And further we predicted a scene plan of water front protection and utilization in 2025. The results demonstrate that this method is able to optimize the protection and utilization of Yuanyang water front in term of quantity and provide a wide range of scene plans with consideration of different emphasis on economic or ecological benefits. And it offers a quantitative method for water front exploitation of the Yellow River Basin.
Key words: water front; protection and utilization; multi-objective optimization; land use; Lower Yellow River
中图分类号:TV853;TV882.1 文獻标志码:A
Abstract: The protection and utilization of water front is the essential part of ecological protection and high quality development of the Yellow River Basin. Focusing on the lower reaches of the Yellow River, this paper conducted a study on quantitative methods of water front protection and utilization, which could meet the new developing requirements. We scientifically determined the scope of Yuanyang water front on the basis of previous relevant research, and deeply analyzed the changes of land use structure of Yuanyang water front in 2000-2015 and its drive mechanisms in time and space. Then, we built a multi-objective optimization model after balancing economic, social and ecological benefits, in accordance with the multiple demands on flood control, economic development and ecological protection for Yuanyang water front. And further we predicted a scene plan of water front protection and utilization in 2025. The results demonstrate that this method is able to optimize the protection and utilization of Yuanyang water front in term of quantity and provide a wide range of scene plans with consideration of different emphasis on economic or ecological benefits. And it offers a quantitative method for water front exploitation of the Yellow River Basin.
Key words: water front; protection and utilization; multi-objective optimization; land use; Lower Yellow River