
来源 :小学教学设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:walker1116_2009
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读题是学生根据自己已有的认识水平去理解文字文本或图表文本的阅读过程。在这个阅读过程中,学生必须知道要解决的问题是什么,更要在字里行间中寻找有用的数学信息,建构数量间的关系,确定解决问题的策略。能否顺利解决问题,读题的有效性就显的尤其重要。有效的读题能最大化地搜集到解决问题所必需的信息,从而帮助自己整合有效信 Reading questions are students’ reading process based on their own level of understanding to understand the text or graphic text. In this reading process, students must know what is the problem to be solved, but also find useful mathematical information among lines, construct the relationship between the numbers and determine the strategy to solve the problem. Whether the problem can be solved smoothly and the validity of the reading problem is especially important. Effective reading can maximize the collection of information necessary to solve the problem, thus helping to integrate effective letter