Beer, wine and lifestyle: a cross-sectional study of the Belgian military population

来源 :Military Medical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fendynx
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Background: A reduction in mortality associated with wine drinking compared to beer drinking has been suggested in the past. A recent meta-analysis could not confirm the observed differential effect. Other characteristics not related to specific components of beer and wine must play a role in the relationship between wine and mortality, thereby explaining the differential protective results.Methods: A military population was selected to investigate the lifestyle differences between beer and wine drinkers. A food-frequency questionnaire was used to register alcohol and food consumption, together with questionnaires for health-related and lifestyle characteristics. Three dietary patterns were characterized by the Healthy Eating Index 2010, the Mediterranean Diet Score and a pattern obtained by principal component analysis.Results: In the multivariate analysis, beer consumption decreased with increasing age, military rank, physical activity and dietary pattern scores. Beer consumption increased with total energy intake and with smoking.Conclusion: Wine consumption was associated with a healthier lifestyle compared with beer consumption. Those differences must be taken into account when relating types of alcoholic beverage consumption with health-related outcomes. Background: A reduction in mortality associated with wine drinking compared to beer drinking has been suggested in the past. A recent meta-analysis could not confirm the observed differential effect. Other characteristics not related to specific components of beer and wine must play a role in the relationship between wine and mortality, thus explaining the differential protective results. Methods: A military population was selected to investigate the lifestyle differences between beer and wine drinkers. A food-frequency questionnaire was used to register alcohol and food consumption, together with questionnaires for health-related and lifestyle characteristics. Three dietary patterns were characterized by the Healthy Eating Index 2010, the Mediterranean Diet Score and a pattern obtained by principal component analysis. Results: In the multivariate analysis, beer consumption decreased with increasing age, military rank, physical activity and dietary pattern scores. Beer consumption inc reased with total energy intake and with smoking .Conclusion: Wine consumption was associated with a healthier lifestyle compared with beer consumption. Those differences must be taken into account when relates types of alcoholic beverage consumption with health-related outcomes.
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