
来源 :华水科技情报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianwang782
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通常,土中的水若处于静止状态时,水对土粒的作用只是静水压力。因此,这时土粒骨架只受到由空隙水产生的浮力作用。但当空隙水处于流动状态时,土粒骨架不仅受到浮力,而且受到由于水的流动产生动水坡降所附加的外力。这种由于空隙水的流动而土粒骨架所受到的力叫做渗透压力(Seepage Pressure)、渗透力(Seepage force)或者透水力等。这些用语很不统一,应该说是混乱的。在此,笔者希望把该力叫做渗透力。 Generally, if the water in the soil is at rest, the effect of water on the soil particles is only hydrostatic pressure. Therefore, at this time, the soil particle skeleton is only subjected to the buoyancy effect caused by the void water. However, when the pore water is in a flowing state, the skeleton of the soil particles is not only subjected to buoyancy but also subjected to an external force added by the dynamic gradient of water generated by the flow of water. This force of the soil particle skeleton due to the flow of void water is called Seepage Pressure, Seepage Force or Water Permeability. These terms are not uniform and should be confused. Here, I hope to call this force penetration.
宝宝吃饱了吗?这个问题真是难倒了不少刚晋升的新手父母,尤其是母乳喂养的妈妈,宝宝到底喝了多少奶,心里真是没底。其实,宝宝吃没吃饱是有信号的,就看你能不能捕捉到。  信号1  吃奶有没有吞咽声  宝宝一般吸个两三次后后,就会咽一次奶,可以听到宝宝清楚的吞咽声,有时甚至宝宝吸一次就咽一次,这时候宝宝的吸吮慢而有力,奶水甚至还会从宝宝的口角溢出来,这就证明妈妈的奶水充足。四五分钟后,宝宝已经吃得大半饱了
我很早就向往去神农溪漂流,可一直没有机会。今年“五一”,我终于实现了这个夙愿。  神农溪是国家级旅游景点,位于国家级自然保护区神农架南麓、鄂西巴东县老城北面的峡谷中,全长60公里,沿途有17条溪流汇入,流经巫峡口东侧的西壤口而注入长江。  我坐上神农溪人打造的“豌豆角”小舟,同哥哥一道穿上救生衣,由技术娴熟的土家船工护航,顺流放漂。  瞧,险奇的绵竹峡,溪流飞泻直下,“豌豆角”漂向滩头,如同一匹脱