10月27日下午,十届全国人大常委会第十八次会议表决通过了修改后的证券法。这次证券法修改面极大,其中更有五处新意格外引人关注。 “证券投资者保护基金”成为投资者的“保护伞” 近年来一些证券公司暴露出挪用、质押客户交易结算资金和占用客户资产等违法违规现象,严重侵害投资者的利益。修改后的证券法第一百三十四条明确规定,国家设立证券投资者保护基金。证券投资者保护基金由证券公司缴纳的资金及其他依法筹集的资金组成,其筹集、管理和使用的具体办法由国务院规定。中国证监会相关部门负责人表示,“设立证券投资者
On the afternoon of October 27, the 18th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People’s Congress voted to pass the amended securities law. The securities law has been greatly modified, of which five new ideas are of particular concern. “Securities Investor Protection Fund” Becomes an Investor’s “umbrella” In recent years, some securities companies have exposed the phenomenon of embezzlement, pledging customers’ transaction settlement funds and occupying customer assets and other violations of laws and regulations, seriously infringing the interests of investors. Article 134 of the Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China clearly stipulates that the state shall establish a securities investor protection fund. The securities investor protection fund shall be composed of the funds paid by the securities company and other funds raised according to law, and the specific measures for the collection, management and use thereof shall be prescribed by the State Council. China Securities Regulatory Commission official said, "the establishment of securities investors