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近年来,随着市场经济的发展和人们保险意识的不断增强,我国的保险业发展很快。保险作为单位和个人转嫁风险、进行自我保护的重要手段之一,对于稳定生产,保持社会经济发展,安定人民生活,起到了十分重要的促进作用。然而,一些利欲熏心之徒,却把黑手伸进了保险企业,采取种种卑劣手段,干起了保险骗赔的勾当。不怀好意吃保险目前社会上存在一种“吃”保险的 In recent years, with the development of market economy and people’s awareness of insurance, the insurance industry in our country develops rapidly. As one of the most important means of passing risks and self-protection as a unit and individual, insurance plays an important role in promoting stable production, maintaining social and economic development and stabilizing people’s livelihood. However, some lustful smugglers, however, put black hand into the insurance business and resorted to all kinds of despicable means to dry up the insurance fraud. Ill-treatment to eat insurance Currently there is a social “eat ” insurance
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  Hepatitis C virus envelope glycoproteins 2(E2) containing 18 conserved cysteine residues plays an im portant role inmediating viral cell entry and eliciting
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1992年《中国柑桔》第3期刊登《温州蜜柑嫁接纽荷尔脐橙的效应》后,作者收到大量读者来信。现根据读者要求,将有关技术措施补充如下: 1.保持塔形树冠。剪掉结果后已衰退的脐
OS/2与视窗之间鏖战十多年的争斗,终于尘埃落定,IBM 在它的官方网页上宣布 OS/2只会提供 OS/2的缺点修补支援(Defect Support)至2004年为止。NCR,著名的 ATM(银行自动提款机