
来源 :当代电影 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuxinghui_1975
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1921年(出生)出生于湖北省沙市的一个职员家庭,自幼丧父。1935年(14岁)当学徒时开始接触进步文艺。1937年(16岁)加入中国共产党。1938年(17岁)在移动演剧队、抗敌演剧五队,辗转于川、鄂、粤、桂、滇及印缅战区从事抗日宣传活动。1946年(25岁)在中国歌舞剧社从事戏剧工作,并被选为监事会监事长,在香港及南洋各 Born in 1921 in Shashi, Hubei Province, a staff member (born), he was deceased. 1935 (14 years old) When apprenticeship began to contact progressive literature and art. In 1937 (16 years old) joined the Chinese Communist Party. In 1938 (17 years old) in the mobile theater team, the anti-enemy drama five teams, removed in Sichuan, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and the Burma Theater engaged in anti-Japanese propaganda activities. In 1946 (25 years old) in the Chinese song and dance club engaged in drama, and was elected chairman of the board of supervisors, in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia
<正> 闵布裘(1916~1990)研究员1949年10月参加革命工作,先后在华东军区三野测量大队、华东军区测绘学校、总参测绘局机关、解放军821地图制印工厂、总参测绘研究所工作。历任