盛夏的滇南热浪翻滚,火辣辣的太阳烤黑了一张张稚嫩的脸庞,阵阵番号声在苗岭山谷回荡。广场上,348名身着迷彩服的学童齐刷刷成体操队形散开,一套刚劲有力气势恢宏的军体拳表演,让苗家父老看傻了跟,令在场官兵咋舌。这是云南屏边苗族自治县创办首届少年军校的一个缩影。 一石激起千层浪 1997年4月19日,屏边县委、县政府、县人武部和驻军部队联合发出《关
Summer heat waves rolling in South Yunnan, the hot sun grilled black one immature face, bursts of sound in Miao Ling Valley echoed. Square, 348 students dressed in camouflage uniform brush into a gymnastics formation scattered, a vigorous and powerful martial arts boxing show, so that Miao and his father always look stupid with the presence of officers and men staggering. This is a miniature of the first juvenile military academy founded in Yunnan Bian Miao Autonomous County. April 19, 1997, Pingbian County Party Committee, County Government, County People’s Armed Forces and Garrison Troops jointly issued the "Customs