死亡,恐怕是McQueen无数的时装秀之后,最后留下的惊艳一笔。近日,有朋友发来一个链接,“Fashion Designer?没看过这20部影片,你顶多算个土裁缝!”如此令人“警醒”的标题,便迅速打开浏览之。20部影片,除了Karl Largerfeld、Coco Chanel、Yves Saint Laurent、山本耀司等时尚界顶级大咖的传记片以外,也不乏一些与时装紧密相关的故事片。一步步浏览,在看到“Mcqueen and I”的那一刻,心头忽然一紧。
Death, I am afraid that after numerous fashion shows McQueen, the last left a stunning. Recently, a friend sent a link, “Fashion Designer? Have not seen these 20 films, you count as a native tailor! ” So alarming “the title, they quickly open the browser. 20 films, in addition to Karl Largerfeld, Coco Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Yohji Yamamoto and other fashion magazines top biographies, but also some of the closely related fashion and feature films. A step by step browsing, in the moment to see ”Mcqueen and I ", my heart suddenly tight.