中国核聚变与等离子体物理学会第二届代表会议和第二届年会在合肥等离子体物理研究所召开,成立了第二届理事会。 中国核聚变与等离子体物理学会这次年会于1985年9月2日至9月7日举行。出席会议的代表,来自全国各地28个单位,共176人;提出了学术报告共243篇。参加会议的代表中有老一辈科学家王淦昌、李正武、胡济民等。美国哥伦比亚大学教授朱家琨及美国普林斯顿大学教授朱祖凯、陈骝、黄敬立也参加了年会,并分别作了特邀报告。会议得到了领导和有关方面的支持。
The second session of the Chinese Society for Fusion and Plasma Physics and the second annual conference were held at Hefei Institute of Plasma Physics and the second council was established. The annual meeting of China Institute of Fusion and Plasma Physics was held from September 2 to September 7, 1985. A total of 176 representatives from 28 units across the country attended the conference and 243 academic reports were submitted. Among the representatives attending the conference are the older generation of scientists Wang Ganchang, Li Zhengwu and Hu Jimin. Zhu Jiakun, a professor at Columbia University in the United States, and Zhu Zuai, Chen Huan and Huang Jingli, professors from Princeton University in the United States, also attended the annual meeting and made special reports respectively. The meeting received the leadership and relevant support.