【摘 要】
Better known as the blue-collar industrial heartland of China, the Northeast is leading the way when it comes to the consumption of luxury goodsMany a Chinese c
Better known as the blue-collar industrial heartland of China, the Northeast is leading the way when it comes to the consumption of luxury goodsMany a Chinese city can boast its own auto show, but that of Harbin in northeaste Heilongjiang Province managed to stand out from the crowd this year. During its 9th annual show in mid July, Harbin persuaded Daimler-Chrysler to introduce its high-end Maybach 62 in the province for the first time, while Ferrari displayed its F430. Local buyers purchased both cars on the spot, with the German auto selling for 10 million yuan (US$2.5 million). For an up-and-coming auto show in a provincial location, these deals show that when it comes to luxury products, the northeast has a market that is ready to spend.
The main gripe that Dana Thomas has with the luxury industry today is that it has started to compromise its integrity for the sake of profit - that a dress is n
男,41岁,因高处坠落伤致左跟部肿痛畸形5 h入院.外院摄X线片示左跟骨骨折.查体:左足踝部肿胀严重,足弓变平,跟部外翻外移,横径增宽,高度变小,前足外展畸形,足跟内侧皮肤有3 cm×3 cm皮肤挫伤红肿区,左侧跟部明显触压痛,左足趾皆可主动伸屈活动,左足背动脉可触及微弱搏动.
David Lowden became chief executive of Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) in January 2006. Despite having worked in the market research industry for about almost I3year
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