In July 1976, a serious pneumonia broke out among representatives of the U.S. Veterans Convention in Philadelphia, attracting much attention from the medical community and the general public. Two years later, Legionella pneumophila has been shown to be the same pathogen of pneumonia in North America and Europe at an international symposium on Legionnaires’ disease. The first batch of Legionnaires’ Disease was seen two weeks after opening a new hospital in Los Angeles in 1977. In the next 14 months diagnosed as 49 patients with this disease. Only 22 cases were diagnosed in March 1980. Drinking water is considered a reservoir of Legionella pneumophila. The disease has been circulating in several hospitals in North America and Europe. Serological screening tests of V. parahaemolyticus antibodies in the human population showed a different type, with 2023 serums obtained from healthy subjects in Nottingham, formalin-inactivated yolk sac antigen, and indirect fluorescence Antibody method tests revealed that only 31 (1.5%) had detectable antibodies. However, in Ohio, 20% of the samples from 588 healthy human serum samples were found to have an antibody titer of 1: 128 or greater for heat-inactivated Legionella pneumophila antigens. A retrospective study based on the serum tests stored in patients with pneumonia suggests that Legionnaires’ disease is fragmented