褐稻虱是我县后季稻的主要害虫,目前,现行短期测报办法已不能更好地适应防治后季稻褐稻虱的需要。为此,二年来我站对褐稻虱发生期中期预报办法进行了研究,现将试验结果初报如下。根据褐稻虱在后季稻田间的发生为害规律,中期预测分三步进行,即搞清迁入期,绘制预报图,调查作订正,具体做法是: 1.搞清迁入期。正确掌握褐稻虱长翅型成虫迁入后季稻田的日期和高峰期,是中期预报的基础工作。因此,必须进行大量的田
Brown planthopper is the main pest of the latter part of rice in our county. At present, the current short-term survey method can not adapt to the needs of the brown planthopper in the post-control rice season. Therefore, in the past two years, I conducted a study on the medium-term forecasting method for brown planthopper occurrence, and the preliminary results of the test are as follows. According to the occurrence of brown planthopper in the following season, the medium-term forecast is divided into three steps, that is, to find out the period of resettlement, draw the forecast map and make the correction. The specific measures are as follows: 1. Correctly grasping the dates and the peak periods of migrating long-winged adults of the brown planthopper to the later paddy field is the basic work of the medium-term forecast. Therefore, a lot of fields must be carried out