一、目的和意义: 水杉是我国长江流域重要的庭园绿化和造林树种。近几年来,湖北省林科所、潜江县林科所、潜江县蚌湖林场和黄冈地区林科所等单位共选出水杉优树四十株并被用来建立无性系种子园。但是优树是根据表型选择的。表型既受基因型的控制,也受环境的影响,因此,现在的优树中有一些可能是生长在优良立地条件上的普通树木,它们并不具有十分优良的遗传性,其后代也不会有良好的表现。本试验的目的是在黄冈地区林科所一九七八年鉴定的基础上结合繁殖嫁接苗进行早期的无性系鉴定,淘汰一部分不良的无性系,这样就
First, the purpose and significance: Metasequoia is China’s Yangtze River basin important afforestation and afforestation tree species. In recent years, Hunan Forestry Branch, Qianjiang County Forestry Branch, Qianjiang County, Beng Lake Forest and the Huanggang area Linke and other units were selected forty tree top-quality trees and was used to establish clonal seed orchard. However, the optimal tree is selected based on the phenotype. Phenotypes are controlled both by genotypes and by the environment; therefore, some of the current superior trees may be common trees that grow on good site conditions, they do not have very good inheritance and their offspring do not Will have a good performance. The purpose of this experiment was to identify clonal seedlings for early clonal identification on the basis of the identification by the Institute of Forestry in Huanggang in 1978 and to eliminate some of the poor clones.