Development and validation of a predictive score for perioperative transfusion in patients with hepa

来源 :Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hacker888888
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BACKGROUND: Liver resection is a major surgery requiring perioperative blood transfusion. Predicting the need for blood transfusion for patients undergoing liver resection is of great importance. The present study aimed to develop and validate a model for predicting transfusion requirement in HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma patients undergoing liver resection.METHODS: A total of 1543 consecutive liver resections were included in the study. Randomly selected sample set of 1080 cases(70% of the study cohort) were used to develop a predictive score for transfusion requirement and the remaining 30%(n=463) was used to validate the score. Based on the preoperative and predictable intraoperative parameters, logistic regression was used to identify risk factors and to create an integer score for the prediction of transfusion requirement.RESULTS: Extrahepatic procedure, major liver resection,hemoglobin level and platelets count were identified as independent predictors for transfusion requirement by logistic regression analysis. A score system integrating these 4 factors was stratified into three groups which could predict the risk of transfusion, with a rate of 11.4%, 24.7% and 57.4% for low,moderate and high risk, respectively. The prediction model appeared accurate with good discriminatory abilities, generating an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.736 in the development set and 0.709 in the validation set.CONCLUSIONS: We have developed and validated an integerbased risk score to predict perioperative transfusion for patients undergoing liver resection in a high-volume surgicalcenter. This score allows identifying patients at a high risk and may alter transfusion practices. BACKGROUND: Liver resection is a major surgery requiring perioperative blood transfusion. Predicting the need for blood transfusion for patients undergoing liver resection is of great importance. The present study aimed to develop and validate a model for predicting transfusion requirement in HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma patients undergoing liver resection. METHODS: A total of 1543 consecutive liver resections were included in the study. Randomly selected sample set of 1080 cases (70% of the study cohort) were used to develop a predictive score for transfusion requirement and the remaining 30% ( Based on the preoperative and predictable intraoperative parameters, logistic regression was used to identify risk factors and to create an integer score for the prediction of transfusion requirement .RESULTS: Extrahepatic procedure, major liver resection, hemoglobin level and platelets count were identified as independent predictors for transfusion requ A score system integrating these 4 factors was stratified into three groups which could predict the risk of transfusion, with a rate of 11.4%, 24.7% and 57.4% for low, moderate and high risk, respectively. The prediction model had accurate with good discriminatory abilities, generating an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.736 in the development set and 0.709 in the validation set.CONCLUSIONS: We have developed and validated an integer based on risk score to predict perioperative transfusion for patients undergoing liver resection in a high-volume surgicalcenter. This score allows identifying patients at a high risk and may alter transfusion practices.
大兴区畜牧业紧紧依靠技术市场,以“科技兴牧”、“ 兴牧富民”为主线,走规模化、集约化、产业化的道路,发展迅速,全区畜牧业形成了以奶牛、肉牛、生猪、肉羊、肉鸽和家禽为主的六大主导产业。大兴区畜牧水产服务中心(第八届北京技术市场金桥奖集体二等奖)依靠科技进步,在市场与农民之间架起了一座金桥 , 真正使农民得到了实惠。具体表现在以下几个方面:    引进新技术、新品种 , 改良本地畜禽品种,提高畜产品产
一天晚上,我坐在办公室加班。小C老师笑脸盈盈地走进来打印一些资料。与她聊起来,我关心地询问她的工作细节和生活点滴,气氛很愉快。  说着说着,小姑娘走近我,冲我娇羞一笑:“易校长,其实在学校,我最怕的人就是您。”  “嗯?为什么?”我惊诧极了!  “我也说不清楚,就是很怕您。”  好奇心引导我继续追问:“是工作中方式不好?或是让你受委屈了?”  “不是不是,您待我很好的。”  我更加疑惑:“那是为什
教育部部长陈宝生提出教育系统贯彻十九大精神,要“挥奋进之笔,写得意之作”。个人以为,湖北省基础教育应从四个方面来抓好贯彻落实。  一是抓党建凝神。在基础教育战线抓党建,有如作画之人在作画之前沐浴更衣,凝神聚力,作画之时才能气定神闲,意兴盎然,落笔才能胸有成竹,一气呵成。抓党建,才能统一思想。全省共有各级各类中小学幼儿园1万多所,在职教师40多万,服务800多万中小学生。基础教育战线是党的各条战线中
近年来,县委、县政府始终把教育放在优先发展的战略地位,大力实施科教兴县、人才强县战略,创新举措,加大投入,深化改革,逐步建立健全了五项机制,实现了教育事业较好较快发展。  建立了教育优先发展机制。县委书记黄强胤同志一到任,就将教育作为四项重点工作之一进行了专题研究,并在县党代会上将振兴浠水教育列入全县重点工作之一。县长付宇同志履新后,调研部门工作的第一站就选择了教育,在县十七届人代会政府工作报告中
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振兴浠水教育事业是全县百万人民的殷切期待,是各级党委政府、各级教育部门、各级各类学校和全县教职员工义不容辞的责任。  如何振兴全县教育事业?三个方面需高度重视。  一是肯定成绩,正视差距,切实增强振兴浠水教育的使命感。肯定成绩,坚定信心。目前全县已形成了重视教育工作的共识,形成了党政合力、关心支持教育改革发展的工作格局,制订了一系列措施,保障教育优先发展,教育基础不断巩固。近三年来,累计投入2.6
浠水思源实验学校是一所九年一贯制学校,于2012年建成并正式招生。学校现有教学班级76个(其中小学36个,初中40个),学生总人数4720人,教职工289人。在党的十九大精神的指引下,学校坚持“全面发展,学有所长;追求卓越,教有所乐——共享幸福人生”的办学理念,规范管理,全力打造特色品牌名校。  高举党建旗帜 发挥党员引领作用  学校高举党建旗帜,坚持正确的办学方向,围绕立德树人的宗旨,充分发挥党
有这样一群孩子,生活在无声的世界,却渴望生命的交响;有这样一群孩子,生活中没有七彩的光芒,却渴望生命的绽放;有这样一群孩子,可能还不知道自己是谁,却更渴望爱的滋养……他们是一群特殊的孩子,却同样是父母的宝贝、祖国的花朵、未来的希望。  振兴浠水教育行动计划,没有忘记这群孩子,并依托浠水特殊教育学校优质的办学资源,实现了优先发展、强势发展,让特殊教育事业走在了浠水教育振兴的前列。  不忘初心,继承传