本文是对日本当代女作家川上弘美的小说《踏蛇》的文本细读。主要针对“蛇形象究竟暗喻或象征了什么”这一问题 ,一一理清了文本可能存在的解读途径 ,并指出文本中的蛇形象正是当代人人格分裂的一种象征 ,隐含了理性社会下反叛理性的潜在愿望 ,包容了当代人对自身“异化”境遇的思考
This essay is a textual reading of the “Serpent” by Japanese contemporary woman writer Kawakami Hiromi. It mainly deals with the problem of “the metaphor of the snake image or what it symbolizes” and clarifies the possible ways of interpreting the text. It also points out that the serpent image in the text is just a symbol of the split of personality in the contemporary era, implying the rational Potential aspiration of rebellious reason in society embraces contemplation of contemporary individual’s “alienation”