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在游泳馆旁有一幢五层家属统建楼,住着局长、副局长、科长主任什么的,多数都是领导干部。小徐住此楼最高层的10号,但职务最低,仅是宣传部的一名普通宣传干事。小徐家门前有一条运材道,他经常在闲暇时站在阳台上观看马路上的过往车辆和行人。有一天,兄弟局的一辆运材车刚过激流河大桥向东行驶不远,突然从岔道开出一辆半截轻型车,运材车司机急忙打转方向盘躲闪,但道路过滑,大车眨眼之间开到了两米多深的路基下,惯力作用,整车原条向前涌 In the swimming pool next to a five-story family building, living director, deputy director, chief of what, most of them are leading cadres. Xiao Xu live in the highest floor of this building on the 10th, but the lowest position, only the propaganda department of an ordinary propaganda officer. Xiao Xu home front of a Yun material Road, he often in his spare time on the balcony to watch the passing vehicles and pedestrians. One day a fraternity carriage of a fraternity board just east of the Torrent River Bridge and suddenly started a half-light truck from the fork in the road. The van driver hurried to dodge the steering wheel, but the road slipped and the wagon blinked Opened to more than two meters deep subgrade, the role of inertia, the original car forward Chung
法律保障妇女有生育或者不生育的自由。男人有没有? 如果答案是肯定的,那么,当妻子要求不生育的自由的时候,她是否侵犯了丈夫生育的自由? The law guarantees women the fre
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公诉机关:海南省海口市振东区人民检察院。 被告人:黄永柱,男,28岁,四川省开江县人,农民,因涉嫌绑架于2000年5月16日被逮捕。 辩护人:张晓东,海南省对外经济律师事务所律师
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