Walt Disney: The creator of the Mickey Mouse jittery monkey goggles Pervasive and always steal a living mouse is undoubtedly everyone hate guy. Chinese idioms “Everyone calls over mice in the street” is the most practical example. However, for the first time in the hands of the creative American artist Disney, the image of the mouse changed radically. Disney first mouse from the dark corner of the corner to the dazzling spotlight, be regarded as the mouse family “rehabilitate” Mickey Mouse as the core of a series of animated cartoon images created by numerous sets of programs bounce Jump on the earth toss, finally got the world’s approval. In the cheers of adults and children, the mouse embarked on the stage of the era with a shyness and a jump of 80 years. Walt Disney, the cartoon maker, was born in Chicago, USA, in 1901 and settled with a parent in a farmstead near Kansas. Walter