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支持中国经济发展的不外乎三种资本形式。一种是国有化资本,其在国民经济中占据着主导地位。第二种是国外资本,其中包括港、澳、台三地的资本。随着中国加入WTO,国外资本的势力必将得到极大的强化。第三种也是本文要着力分析的资本形式是中国大陆国有资本以外的以各种民间形式存在的资本类型,其主要组织形式是乡镇企业、集体企业、私营企业和个体企业。由于其完全不同于前述两者的发展历程和资本积累形式,权且把它统称为非国有化资本。经过20年的发展,非国有经济已成为社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分。中国经济未来的发展,正是取决于此三股资本力量的相互关系。本文拟从非国有化资本的角度出发,探讨非国有化资本在中国经济中的地位及角色,探讨非国有化对中国经济的影响,以确定非国有化资本在中国的宏观发展战略。 There are no more than three forms of capital that support China’s economic development. One is nationalized capital, which occupies the leading position in the national economy. The second is foreign capital, including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan capital. With China’s accession to the WTO, the power of foreign capital will surely be greatly strengthened. The third type of capital that should be analyzed in this article is the type of capital that exists in various forms of non-state owned enterprises other than the state-owned capital in mainland China. Its main forms of organization are township enterprises, collective enterprises, private-owned enterprises and individual enterprises. Because of its completely different from the two of the course of development and accumulation of capital form, and referred to as non-nationalized capital. After 20 years of development, the non-state economy has become an important part of the socialist market economy. The future development of China’s economy depends on the interrelationship between these three strands of capital. This paper intends to explore the status and role of non-nationalized capital in the Chinese economy from the perspective of non-nationalized capital and to explore the impact of non-nationalization on China’s economy in order to determine the macro-development strategy of non-nationalized capital in China.
L’histoire des Schtroumpfs1 débute de manière incongrue2en 1957.Deux copains,auteurs de BD,sont en train de déjeuner tranquillement au bord de la mer:Franqu
辽阔无边的草原是他诗篇中魂牵梦绕的地方 ,是他童稚纯朴的诗兴萌发的地方。1928年 ,巴·布林贝赫出生于内蒙古昭乌达盟(今赤峰市)巴林右旗一个贫寒的牧民家庭。他的家乡是一个水草
我是一位腰椎骨质增生、椎间 盘突出及严重风湿病患者。十多年来,此病经常害得我腰腿疼、背发凉,痛苦不堪。我进过大大小小的医院20多家,吃过大包小包的中药、西药、土方无数,但收