一百多年来,汽车一直给人们出门带来方便和舒适,因此它几十年来挤跨了其他人类原先使用的交通运输工具,成了城市农村交通运输工具的主旋律。 但随着人们对保护环境要求和生物健康关心程度的高涨,汽车就不受欢迎了。科学研究表明,汽车是城市空气污染的祸首,现在50%空气污染源来自汽车,汽车废气又是引发过敏症的元凶。美国第二大城市洛杉矶是空气污染严重地区之一,该市环保局宣称,空气污染使12岁以下儿童肺功能丧失15%,空
For more than a hundred years, cars have been providing convenience and comfort for people to go out and, as a result, have for decades been crowding across other modes of transport previously used by mankind as the main theme of urban rural transport. But cars are unpopular as people care about the need to protect the environment and their biological health. Scientific research shows that the car is the culprit of urban air pollution, and now 50% of air pollution comes from the car, car exhaust is the culprit causing allergies. Los Angeles, the second-largest city in the United States, is one of the most heavily polluted areas in the country, and the city’s EPA claims that air pollution has caused a 15% loss of lung function in children under 12 years of age.