本文报告2l例声门下狭窄(SS)喉气管成形术(LTP),并对肋软骨瓣法(RC)和 Evans-Todd 术改进的城垛式切开法(castellatedincision CI)应用作比较。手术方法:CI 是喉气管前从声带水平下方至 SS 远端作 CI,经软骨水平切开需增大周径便于软骨阶梯式端端吻
This article reports 21 cases of subthoracic stenosis (SS) laryngotracheal surgery (LTP) and compared the use of rib cartilage flap (RC) and Evans-Todd’s modified battle-chest incision (castellated incision). Surgical methods: CI is the throat before the tracheal tube from the level below the vocal cords to the SS for CI, the level of cartilage required to increase the circumferential incision to facilitate the cartilage stepped end-kisses