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怎样实现先秦文化与文学研究的新突破,这是当下古典文学研究界必须认真思考的问题。为此,山西大学文学院与中共山西晋城市委宣传部近期在晋城举办了我国“首届先秦文化与中国历代文学学术研讨会”。来自国内外的100多位学者就先秦文化的重新认识、研究方法的新突破和研究领域的新开拓等问题进行了认真探讨。其中有学者认为,先秦文化、先秦文学应该在神话思维和原始意识研究、诗性思维和散文思维研究方面取得新突破,地域文化研究应突破常见的通俗化、具体化范式,与整个中国文化融会贯通;还有学者认为,要对先秦文化进行重新体认,研究先秦文化不能仅局限于从我国的文化史角度来认识,还应将其置于世界文化史的大背景下来认识;亦有学者认为,晋东南及其周边神话中崇尚英雄、张扬意志、追求圆满的精神对中国文学的内在精神的形成产生了深刻的影响。此外,还有学者对先秦文学吏研究进行了深刻思考,认为出土文献也应进入文学史研究的视野。本刊特组织刊发四篇文章,以推动先秦文化与中国文学研究向前发展。 How to achieve a new breakthrough in the study of culture and literature in the pre-Qin period is a question that the contemporary classical literature research community must seriously consider. To this end, Shanxi University and Shanxi Jincheng Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department recently held in Jincheng, China “First Pre-Qin Culture and Chinese Literature Symposium ”. Over 100 scholars from home and abroad conscientiously explored issues such as the re-understanding of Pre-Qin culture, new breakthroughs in research methods and new exploration in the field of research. Some scholars think that the pre-Qin culture and Pre-Qin literature should make new breakthroughs in the study of mythology, original consciousness, poetic thinking and prose thinking. The study of regional culture should break through the common popularization paradigm and integrate with the entire Chinese culture ; Some scholars think that to re-recognize the pre-Qin culture, the study of pre-Qin culture can not be confined to only from the perspective of cultural history in our country should also be placed in the context of the history of world culture to understand; some scholars think In the mythology of southeastern Shanxi and its surroundings, advocating heroes, expressing her will, and pursuing completeness have a profound impact on the formation of the inner spirit of Chinese literature. In addition, some scholars deeply studied the study of pre-qin literary officials and thought that the unearthed documents should also enter into the field of literature history research. The magazine has published four articles to promote the development of pre-Qin culture and Chinese literature.
2014年3月Nature Climate Change发表了一个专栏“近来全球变暖的减缓”,加上编者按共6篇文章[1-6].下面对这些文章中涉及的几个问题做扼要的介绍.
需求响应是由需求侧管理技术发展而来的一种智能用电调控技术,得到越来越多关注。该文针对需求侧典型温控设备(thermostatically controlled appliances,TCA)—电热泵负荷,建