耐药菌株的形成明显与危重病患者的发病率和病死率有关。Raymond等就经验性抗生素季度轮换计划在重症监护病房中降低耐药菌株所致感染并发症的作用进行了前瞻性研究。研究时间为期 2年 ,第 1年为非计划性抗生素应用阶段 ,第 2年实行经验性抗生素季度轮换计划。治疗肺炎的抗生素
The formation of drug-resistant strains was significantly associated with morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients. Raymond et al. Conducted a prospective study of the role of the quarterly rotation of empirical antibiotics in reducing the number of infectious complications of drug-resistant strains in intensive care units. The study period was 2 years. The first year was the non-planned antibiotic application stage. The second year was the empirical quarterly antibiotic rotation plan. Antibiotics for the treatment of pneumonia