When one by one telephone communication, a copy of the fax confirmation, the boring figures in the program evolved into neatly stacked Liangxiang warehouse a Taiwan transformer, a box arrester. On May 17, after the last pallet switch was steadily placed on the storage shelves, the seven suppliers, the first consignment of goods amounting to about 3.1 million yuan, had all arrived in Liangxiang Warehouse, and the implementation plan outlined The consignment implementation scene has finally become a reality. Since 2012, the grid construction in north Hebei has been accelerated. The growth trend of material demand is obvious. The contradiction between various types of power supplies has become increasingly prominent. The existing mode of supply of materials has been unable to fully meet the needs of power grid construction. In order to resolve the contradiction between the long procurement cycle and the tight delivery time, State Grid Hebei Materials Company explored the consignment materials according to the material requirements and supply characteristics