“Middle income trap ” is a statistically significant phenomenon, it is possible to quickly cross or avoid, it may not span for a long time, the key to see the way to deal with the trap is effective and appropriate, which has extremely The important theoretical and practical significance relates to the transformation and sustainable development of a country’s economy and society. It can be easily negated or not properly made, which may result in major mistakes in the transformation and development of the country. Although the “middle income trap” is mainly measured by the quantitative indicators of economic growth and economic development, its inherent nature is still the institutional transition. It fails to correctly handle the two internal logical relations between development and governance and make the government lapse, Market distortions / failures and social anomie exist simultaneously and interdependence, resulting in retention in the transition. The way China avoids and leapfrogs the “trap” lies in the reconstruction of the state governance model, that is, through the rational definition and clarification of the governance boundaries between the government and the market, the government and the society, it can realize the transformation from a developmental all-powerful government to a public service The transition from factor-driven to efficiency-driven and even innovation-driven, the transition from traditional society to modern civil society, the establishment of a state-owned governance model of government, market and society and the realization of the system of state governance and Modernization of governance capacity.