肾黄色肉芽肿是较为少见的肾脏疾病之一,由于缺乏特征性临床表现和 X 线征象,极易误诊。我院误诊为肾癌1例,并作了肾动脉栓塞和肾切除。现报告如下。病例:男性,37岁。突然出现右腰区疼痛20天,抗炎和对症处理无效。体检发现右肾区饱满,有叩
Renal yellow granulomatosis is one of the more rare kidney disease, due to the lack of characteristic clinical manifestations and X-ray signs, easily misdiagnosed. Our hospital misdiagnosed as kidney cancer in 1 case, and made renal artery embolization and nephrectomy. The report is as follows. Case: Male, 37 years old. Suddenly appear pain in right lobe 20 days, anti-inflammatory and symptomatic treatment is invalid. Physical examination found that the right kidney area full, knocking