我国自周朝以来的两千多年历史中,封建帝王大多寿命不长。秦始皇以后的历代君主中,活到70岁以上的仅12人,其中寿命最长的是活到了88岁的乾隆皇帝。 乾隆是清朝的第四代皇帝,在位时间长达60年之久,亲眼所见的祖孙共七代,与曾、玄孙五世同堂,是我国历史上罕见的旺族之家。乾隆长寿秘诀何在?在他60年的当朝生涯中,可总结出四大科学养身之道,值得当代人研究与借鉴。
In the two thousand years of history in our country since the Zhou Dynasty, most feudal emperors have little life expectancy. Among the ancient monarchs after the First Emperor, only 12 survived to the age of 70, of which the longest-lived one was the Emperor Qianlong who lived to 88 years of age. Qianlong is the fourth generation of the Qing emperor, reigned for 60 years, witnessed a total of seven generations of ancestry and grandchildren, and Zeng, great-grandson five generations, is a rare family in the history of our country. What is Qianlong’s longevity secret? In his 60-year career, he can sum up the four scientific ways of keeping one’s health, which is worth studying and borrowing from the contemporary.