一、宁波经济处于重要转型期宁波经济经过20多年的高增长之后,面临一个重要的转型期。 1.人民生活由小康向富裕型过渡。宁波人民的生活已经达到小康水平,温饱问题已经解决,开始向富裕型过渡。 2。由初步工业化向信息化时代的工业化过渡。宁波已经基本实现了工业化。第一产业的产值占三次产业产值的比重由32.3%下降到9.5%。已经接近发达国家的水平。农产品价格也已接近国际市场水平。
First, Ningbo’s economy is in an important transition Ningbo’s economy faces an important period of transition after more than 20 years of high growth. 1. People’s Livelihood from the well-off to wealthy transition. The life of the people in Ningbo has reached a well-to-do level. The problem of food and clothing has been solved and the transition to a prosperous one has started. 2. From the initial industrialization to the industrialization of information age transition. Ningbo has basically realized its industrialization. The proportion of the output value of the primary industry to that of the tertiary industry dropped from 32.3% to 9.5%. Already close to the level of developed countries. The price of agricultural products is also close to the international market.