芜湖,一颗璀璨夺目的绿宝石镶嵌在长江之南。踞皖南门户,扼华东咽喉,水陆空辐射四面八方,历来为知名商埠,军事重镇,人文荟萃之风水宝地。 古时,此地因湖沼一片,鸠鸟繁多而得名“鸠兹”;早在春秋战国时代即初具雏形。公元前221年,秦始皇统一中国,分全国为三十六郡,鸠兹属鄣郡。西汉元封二年(前109年),鸠兹更名为“芜湖”,并正式设县治(因这一带多湖泊,地卑蓄水不深而多生芜藻,故名)。到了两晋唐宋,人丁兴旺,城池拓展,渐渐地发达起来。鸦片战争后的1876年,中英签订《烟台条约》,芜湖被辟为通商口岸,海轮直达其江边码头。晚清年间,芜湖成为全国“四大米市”之一,极享显赫声誉和经商肥利。到了民国时
Wuhu, a bright emerald inlaid in the south of the Yangtze River. Juwan south portal, the South East throat, land, sea and air radiation in all directions, has always been a well-known commercial port, military town, a gathering of feng shui treasure. In ancient times, here because of a lake, a large number of doves bird named “doves”; as early as the Spring and Autumn Period of Warring States that has taken shape. 221 BC, the Qin Shi Huang unified China, the country for the thirty-six counties, Jiu Zi is a county. Western Han Dynasty Yuan Feng two years (109 years ago), renamed as “Wuhu”, and formally set up the county government (because of the many lakes in this area, the land is not deep and extravagant habitats, hence the name). To the two Jin and Tang and Song Dynasties, population prosperity, city development, and gradually developed. After the Opium War in 1876, China and Britain signed the Yantai Treaty, and Wuhu was turned into a treaty port. Seawater ships went directly to its waterfront terminals. In the late Qing Dynasty, Wuhu became one of the “Four Rice Markets” in the country, enjoying a very high reputation and business profits. When the Republic of China