国际标准化组织土方机械技术委员会(ISO/TC127)全体会议及其所属SC1,SC2,SC3,SC4四个分委员会会议于1981年6月1日至6月6日在日本东京召开。出席会议的有美国、英国、西德、苏联、日本、意大利、法国、波兰、澳大利亚、中国共十一个国家38人、中国是观察员,由国家建委建筑机械综合研究室代表中国标准化协会出席。我国代表是第一次出席TC127的会议,受到许多代表的注意和欢迎。 TC127负责制订土方机械的国际标准。所谓土方机械包括:推土机、铲运机、装载机、平地机、挖掘机、压路机、夯实机、吊管机、翻斗车。
The meeting of the International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee on Earth-Machine Machinery (ISO/TC127) and its four sub-committees SC1, SC2, SC3, and SC4 was held in Tokyo, Japan from June 1st to June 6th, 1981. Attending the meeting were the United States, Britain, West Germany, the Soviet Union, Japan, Italy, France, Poland, Australia, China, a total of 38 people in 11 countries, China is an observer, represented by the China Construction Standardization Association of Construction Machinery General Research Office of the State Construction Commission. For the first time, our country’s representatives attended the TC 127 meeting and attracted the attention and welcome of many delegates. The TC127 is responsible for formulating the international standards for earthmoving machinery. The so-called earth-moving machinery includes: bulldozers, scrapers, loaders, graders, excavators, road rollers, compactors, pipelayers, and dump trucks.