中国化妆品市场正以每年平均15%的速度成长着,2002年已达460亿元。虽然如此,35元人民币的年人均消费水平和13亿的消费人口使得市场空间还有巨大的诱惑力,这也是众多国外品牌前赴后继涌向中国相关行业跋山涉水涉足这一行业的主要原因。而OEM (代客加工)成为这些企业节省时间精力、分散投资风险、集中精力做市场营销、取得竞争优势的主要手段。有业内专家曾预言,新世纪的中国化妆品工业最繁荣的市场将是代客加工业和美容院线产品。而众多专业OEM企业的悄然崛起,更加验证了其星火燎原的发展态势。中国3000多家化妆品生产企业里,极少有对找上门来的代加工生意不接单的。而众多OEM企业在专业媒体上一浪高过一浪的广告攻势更显得这一市场红红火火、沸沸扬扬。
The Chinese cosmetics market is growing at an average annual rate of 15% in 2002, reaching 46 billion yuan in 2002. However, 35 yuan per capita consumption level and 1.3 billion consumer population makes the market space there is a huge temptation, which is why many foreign brands went flock to China related industries heyday involved in this industry. The OEM (Valet processing) as these enterprises to save time and energy, diversify investment risks, focus on marketing, to obtain the main means of competitive advantage. Some industry experts have predicted that the new century, China’s cosmetics industry’s most prosperous market will be Valet processing industry and beauty salon line products. The quiet rise of many professional OEM companies, more verified its sparkling Liaoyuan development trend. China more than 3,000 cosmetics manufacturing enterprises, very few looking to come to the generation of processing business is not a single. And many OEM companies in the professional media wave after wave of advertising offensive even more this market is booming, uproar.