
来源 :饭店现代化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suqingcsj
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随着我国经济和社会的发展,人们物质水平和精神生活得到了提高,促进了我国旅游行业的发展,这种发展也给旅游酒店业带来新的发展机遇。目前,我国星级饭店总数已经突破1.5万家,其中五星级饭店已超600家,四星级饭店达2300多家。同时,也给快速发展的酒店业带来新的挑战,面对旅游市场游客的季节性变化和旅游酒店转型期的变革,我国旅游酒店在人力资源管理方面遇到了很多问题,尤其是员工需求变化幅度较大,比如,旺季员工招不进、淡季员工流不出的问题等。 With the economic and social development in our country, people’s material level and spiritual life have been enhanced, which has promoted the development of China’s tourism industry. This development has also brought new opportunities for the development of the tourism hotel industry. At present, the total number of star-rated hotels in China has exceeded 15,000, of which over 600 are five-star hotels and 2,300 are four-star hotels. At the same time, it also brings new challenges to the fast-growing hotel industry. Facing the seasonal changes of tourists in tourist markets and the transformation of tourist hotels, many problems have been encountered in the management of human resources in China’s tourist hotels, especially the changes in staff needs Larger, for example, high season employees can not move into the off-season staff flow problems.
下午一上课,办公室马主任兴冲冲走进打字室,“喜讯,喜讯!”一边说,一边将一张纸条递给正在打印材料的小牛老师。“快,把这个通报抄在快讯板上,让师生们高兴高兴。”  小牛老师接过纸条仔细一看,只见上面写着:在今天上午结束的全县中小学篮球比赛中,我校男子代表队力挫群雄,夺得团体冠军,并荣获精神文明代表队称号,创造了历史最好成绩。这是我校重视体育工作,大力实施素质教育取得的又一丰硕成果。“的确是个好消息,