枇杷叶为蔷薇科植物枇杷Eriobotrya japo-nica(Thunb)Lindl.的干燥叶,具有清肺止咳作用,主要用于肺热咳嗽。含枇杷叶的主要制剂有枇杷叶膏、枇杷露、贝母枇杷糖浆等。由于枇杷叶的下表面密被黄色绒毛,如不除去,服用时会刺激咽喉部,引起咳嗽,所以传统习惯及药典规定都要求枇杷叶去毛后入药。枇杷叶的去毛方法至今还是手工操作,在大量生产的情况下,不但费工,而且在去毛过程中,绒毛飞扬,卫生差。针对以上情况,我们采用先直接加水煮提,后将提取液经沙层过滤的方法去毛,在实践中取得了较好效果。
The loquat leaf is a dried leaf of the Roecoaceae plant Eriobotrya japo-nica (Thunb) Lindl. It has a clear lung and cough effect, and is mainly used for hyperactivity cough. The main preparations containing eucalyptus leaves are eucalyptus leaf paste, loquat dew, and berry dew syrup. Because the lower surface of the temporal lobe is densely covered with yellow fluff, if it is not removed, it will irritate the throat and cause coughing when taken. Therefore, traditional practices and pharmacopoeia regulations require that the loquat leaves be depilated and used as medicine. The method of debriding loquat leaves is still a manual operation. In the case of mass production, it is not only time-consuming, but also in the process of dehairing, fluff is flying and hygiene is poor. In view of the above situation, we use the method of adding water directly to boil, and then extracting the extract by sand filtration to obtain a good effect in practice.