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目的掌握徐州市无偿献血人群分布特征,为本地区科学、合理、有效的献血者招募策略提供依据,使献血者招募工作更具有针对性,探索一条适合本地无偿献血发展途径。方法利用穿越安全输血标准化信息系统,收集2010年1月-2012年12月无偿献血者资料,结合无偿献血登记表信息,采用全样本统计描述分析和比较。结果 2010-2012年,徐州市无偿献血者中男性占57.38%、女性占42.62%,献血者男女性别比为1.346 1;18-24岁、25-34岁、35-44岁、45-54岁、55-60岁各年龄组献血者占总人数比分别为34.05%、26.24%、28.68%、10.57%和0.47%,前三组之间无统计学差异,后两组与前三组两两比较,差异有统计学意义;自由职业者、农民、工人、学生和公司职员献血人数占总人数比分别是20.42%、20.27%、18.64%、15.83%、13.02%,累计可达88.18%,是无偿献血的主要血源,军人、公务员、教师、医生分别为1.29%、2.45%、3.22、4.85%,合计人数仅占总献血人数的11.82%,是无偿献血的薄弱人群;各县农村献血人数占总献血人数的47.23%,市区占52.77%;A型、B型、O型、AB型等血型分别占总人数的30.10%、29.53%、29.84%、10.53%,接近3 3 3 1分布;首次献血人数占总献血人数的31.75%,累计献血2次的占17.97%、献血3次及以上的占50.28%;1次献血量400m和200ml的人员占比分别为76.61%、23.39%,汉族人群占总献血人数的99.46%。结论献血人群构成存在性别、年龄、职业、民族、文化程度等显著差异特征,应根据不同的目标人群有针对性地制定不同的招募策略,才能不断发展新献血者,壮大固定献血者队伍,拓宽血源,保障无偿献血工作可持续发展,确保临床用血需要。 Objective To understand the distribution characteristics of blood donors in Xuzhou and to provide a basis for a scientific, reasonable and effective recruitment strategy for blood donors in Xuzhou so that the recruitment of blood donors can be more targeted and explore a suitable way for the development of local blood donation. Methods Through the standardized system of transfusion of blood transfusion, the data of unpaid blood donors from January 2010 to December 2012 were collected. Based on the information of the registration form of unpaid blood donation, the whole sample was used to describe the analysis and comparison. Results From 2010 to 2012, male volunteers accounted for 57.38% of unpaid blood donors and 42.62% of females in Xuzhou. The sex ratio of male and female donors was 1.346 1, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44 and 45-54 , 55-60 years of age blood donors in all age groups were 34.05%, 26.24%, 28.68%, 10.57% and 0.47%, the first three groups were no significant difference between the latter two groups and the first two two two The difference was statistically significant; the number of blood donors of freelancers, peasants, workers, students and staff was 20.42%, 20.27%, 18.64%, 15.83% and 13.02%, respectively, up to 88.18% The main source of blood donation, military personnel, civil servants, teachers, doctors were 1.29%, 2.45%, 3.22,4.85%, the total number of only 11.82% of the total number of blood donations, is a weak blood donation; Accounting for 47.23% of the total number of blood donors and urban areas accounting for 52.77%. The blood types A, B, O and AB accounted for 30.10%, 29.53%, 29.84% and 10.53% of the total, respectively, close to the 3 3 3 1 distribution ; The first blood donation accounted for 31.75% of the total number of blood donations, cumulative blood donation 2 times accounted for 17.97%, blood donation 3 times and above accounted for 50.28%; 1 blood donation 400m and 200ml Accounting for 76.61% and 23.39% of the total respectively. Han people accounted for 99.46% of the total blood donation. Conclusion There are significant differences in gender, age, occupation, ethnicity and education among the blood donors. Different recruitment strategies should be formulated according to different target groups so as to continuously develop new blood donors, expand the ranks of fixed blood donors and broaden Blood, to protect the sustainable development of blood donation, to ensure that clinical blood needs.
胰性脑病(pancreatic encephalopathy,PE)是急性胰腺炎时出现的以精神症状和神经系统体征为主要临床表现的并发症,主要由大量蛋白水解酶和磷脂酶A等通过血脑屏障,损伤脑组织
目的探讨小儿过度通气综合征的诱因、临床表现及治疗。方法回顾分析北京市门头沟区医院2004-02-2008-09诊治的16例过度通气综合征患儿的临床资料。结果 16例病儿中,8例通过休
目的 探讨一种伸指肌腱止点重建的改良固定方法.方法 术中用直径0.8 mm克氏针横行穿过末节基底备用,将伸肌腱近断端细钢丝改良Bunnell法固定后于甲根两侧皮下穿出后分别固定