强化预热带对流换热是降低套筒窑排烟温度的有效途径。为了在强化换热的同时不使气流阻力增加,提出了以适当缩小上内套筒的直径来加大预热带中单位高度石灰石换热面积和热容量的设计思路。以500 t/d的套筒窑为例对预热带的对流换热进行了估算,并给出了料层截面积与热流量的关系。计算结果表明,适当缩小套筒窑上内套筒直径能够在一定范围内解决使用低热值煤气后带来的排烟温度过高的问题。
Strengthening the preheating convection heat transfer is to reduce the sleeve kiln exhaust temperature is an effective way. In order to enhance the heat transfer without increasing the airflow resistance, a design idea was proposed to increase the heat transfer area and heat capacity of limestone per unit height in the preheating zone by properly reducing the diameter of the upper sleeve. Taking the 500 t / d sleeve kiln for example, the convection heat transfer in the preheating zone was estimated, and the relationship between the cross-sectional area and the heat flux was given. The calculation results show that properly reducing the inner sleeve diameter of the sleeve kiln can solve the problem of excessive exhaust gas temperature caused by using the low calorific value gas within a certain range.