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【财政基本平衡】指国家财政收入与支出之间的基本平衡。财政收入是国家通过财政各环节筹集的资金,它包括企业创造的上缴利润和税金,事业单位的缴款,以及其他方面的税收和收入。财政支出是国家为执行其职能,通过财政各环节有计划地分配和使用筹集起来的资金,主要包括经济建设、科学文化事业、行政事业、国际支出以及援外支出等。财政基本平衡在国民经济综合平衡中起着总的制约作用。我们要努力增产增收节约支出,杜绝浪费,提高经济效益,讲究生财之道、聚财之道和用财之道,巩固地保持财政基本平衡,并在此基础上,经过一个时期的努力,达到完全的平衡。 Fundamental Balance of Finance refers to the basic balance between state revenue and expenditure. Fiscal revenue is the fund raised by the state through various financial sectors. It includes profits and taxes turned over by enterprises, contributions from public institutions, and other taxes and revenues. Financial expenditures are the funds raised by the state for its functions and planned distribution and use through all aspects of finance, including economic construction, scientific and cultural undertakings, administrative undertakings, international expenditures, and foreign aid expenditures. The basic balance of finance plays an overall restraining role in the overall balance of the national economy. We must strive to increase production and income to save expenditure, eliminate waste and improve economic efficiency. We should pay attention to the path of making money, gathering money and using money to consolidate the basic fiscal balance. On this basis, after a period of hard work, we will achieve Completely balanced.
据《IRRN》(1984年9卷3期)报道,Tran Thi Cuc Hoa和Thai Cong Binh等农业技术专家曾致力于预防性化学药物防治白叶枯病的研究。曾用硫酸链霉素、硫酸铵和IBP等化学药物喷射
蘑菇在生长过程中除发生真菌、细菌和病毒性病害外,还常因气候不适和管理不善而发生生理性病害。现将常见的几种生理性病害的成因及其预防方法简介如下: 一、空根白心菇菇房
过去消灭农作物蚜虫,通常,多在作物上喷射内吸性杀虫剂,使作物全株带毒,结果蚜虫和天敌益虫均同归于尽。近据《The Sunday Times)杂志报道,英国的哈福德郡(Hertfordshire)罗
发生为害特点(一) 越冬虫态复杂经过连续三年对越冬虫薯、薯蒂的解剖证明,除卵不能存活外,其余三种虫态均可越冬。因越冬虫态不同,致使翌年出现两个明显的成虫活动高峰,分别
一、种子消毒1.用质量好的生石灰1~3斤,对水100斤,用其澄清液浸种60~70斤。水温15~20℃,浸4天,20~25℃浸2~3天。浸种过程中不要弄破水面石灰膜。 First, the seed disinfection