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随着现代化通讯技术的普及,登门家访似乎已渐渐地被人忽视了,但家访作为一项在特定环境下进行的工作,是有其不可替代作用的。它可以使教师更全面地了解学生,使教育具有针对性;它可以将学校和家庭紧密地联系起来,使教师与家长配合,形成做学生思想工作的“合力”;它可以增进师生感情,尤其 With the popularization of modern communication technologies, home visits seem to have gradually been neglected. However, home visits have a irreplaceable role as a work under a specific environment. It can make teachers understand students more comprehensively and make education more pertinent; it can closely link schools and families and enable teachers to co-operate with parents to form a “joint force” for students’ ideological work; it can promote teachers and students. Affection, especially
读者“飞扬”问:“为什么水滴是球体的形状,而不是其他的形状呢?”要回答这个问题。要从液体的表面张力说起。  很多现象说明,液体的表面犹如张紧的弹性薄膜,它有收缩的趋势,例如,我们小心地将一枚细小的钢针横放在水面上,钢针不会下沉,仅仅将液面压下,略显弯形,既然液体表面像张紧的弹性薄膜,则表面内一定存在着张力,我们可以用一个简单的实验来显示液体表面有张力的现象。  图1所示的是用金属丝弯成的一个框架。