The Effect of Gossypol and Misoprostol on Luteal and Decidual Cells in Vitro

来源 :Reproduction & Contraception | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaoshuang1989
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Gossypol and Misoprostol could directly damage the luteal and decidual cells cultured in vitro. The LD50 of gossypol alone to luteal and decidual cells were 1.27±0.09 μg/ml and 3.06±0.23 μg/ml, respectively; however when combined with misoprostol (to luteal cells 5μg/ml, or to decidual cells 10μg/ml), the LD50 of gossypol signifcantly decreased to 0.89±0.25 μg/ml and 1.88±0.26 μg/ml, respectively. The LD50 of misoprostol alone to luteal and decidual cells were 14.29±1.29μg/ml and 24.37±4.49 μg/ml, respectively; but it decreased to 8.79±2.18 μg/mland 17.29±1.56 μg/ml, respectively when combined with gossypol (to luteal cells 0.5 μg/ml, or to decidual cells 1.0 μg/ml), also showing statistical difference. The results suggested that the combination of gossypol with misoprostol had synergistic effect on the degeneration of luteal and decidual cells in vitro. The LD50 of gossypol alone to luteal and decidual cells were 1.27 ± 0.09 μg / ml and 3.06 ± 0.23 μg / ml, respectively; however, when combined with misoprostol (to luteal the LD50 of gossypol signifcantly decreased to 0.89 ± 0.25 μg / ml and 1.88 ± 0.26 μg / ml, respectively. The LD50 of misoprostol alone to luteal and decidual cells were 14.29 ± 1.29 μg / ml and 24.37 ± 4.49 μg / ml, respectively; but it decreased to 8.79 ± 2.18 μg / mland 17.29 ± 1.56 μg / ml, when combined with gossypol (to luteal cells 0.5 μg / ml, or to decidual cells 1.0 μg / ml), also showing statistical difference. The results suggesting that the combination of gossypol with misoprostol had synergistic effect on the degeneration of luteal and decidual cells in vitro.
回首近百期《电化教育研究》,伴随着我度过了十余年电教人的生涯 ,其间我的知识的每一次更新、工作的每一次重要进步都与《电化教育研究》有着密不可分的关系。这种关系体现
与巴黎的初见是在两年前,那时我已初三毕业,即将投入紧张的高中生活,因而这段旅程颇有些“在最美的时光遇上你”的浪漫。  怀想巴黎,她高傲而宽容。  记忆定格在巴黎荣军院边的芳草地上。两个巴黎男子正在悠闲地打着羽毛球,见我走过,其中一个突然停下了动作,挥挥手对我道了声“Bonjour”(法语“你好”的意思)。我愣了一下,随即对上他含笑的眼眸,也用法语向他问好。回去的路上,我思考许久,终于弄明白大家所说
两周的驻足,于我,加拿大已不再是一个遥远的名字、一道模糊的风景线。但我与它距离的些许拉近,也不过像初学者画肖像,虽然绕着模特上下打量,画出来也不过是部分模糊的影像罢了——我无力为心中的加拿大描绘出一个清晰的轮廓,只是隐约感受到那红枫般温暖的氛围,细微但真实地萦绕在我的心问。  温哥华虽地处北方,却并不寒冷干燥。多亏了落基山脉的阻挡,北方的寒流难至此处;多亏了北太平洋地区的暖流,捎来湿润水汽的问候。
真真地就是那么两根蛛丝,由门框边轻轻地牵到一枝梅花上……  你向着那丝看,冬天的太阳照满了屋内,窗明几净。每朵含苞的,开透的,半开的梅花在那里挺秀吐香,情绪不禁迷茫缥缈地充溢心胸,在那刹那的时间中振荡。同蛛丝一样的细弱,和不必需,思想开始抛引出去:由过去牵到将来,意识的,非意识的,由门框梅花牵出宇宙,浮云沧波踪迹不定。是人性,艺本,还是哲学,你也无暇计较,你不能制止你情绪的充溢,思想的驰骋,蛛丝梅
小时候  你跟在父亲身后  父亲拉着你行走  只要你笑了  他,也就笑了  长大后  你跑在父亲前头  催着父亲行走  你不再笑了  他,也就不再笑了  到后来  你跟在父亲左右  陪伴他慢慢行走  因为他笑了  所以  你,也就笑了