Monthly Water Budget of Small Basin in Northern of Loess Plateau, China

来源 :Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w313296304
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The objective of this study was to analyze the water budget of a small basin in the northern of Loess Plateau. A small basin, Liudaogou in the northern Loess Plateau was chosen as the study area. The numerical calculation of surface runoff was applied to results of the field survey, and components of monthly water budget were estimated. The unit area of 1 km2 was selected as the index area for the estimation. A component of habitant water consumption was added to the water budget to consider the contribution of human activity. Results indicated that the water storage was negative in May, June and July while the annual amount was approximately 0.0. Evaportanspiration attained maximum in August and its annual total accounted for 74.2% of annual precipitation. Results of this study are significant for the sustainable water conservation and utilization in the northern of Loess Plateau where annual water resources are relatively deficient. The objective of this study was to analyze the water budget of a small basin in the northern of Loess Plateau. A small basin, Liudaogou in the northern Loess Plateau was chosen as the study area. The numerical calculation of surface runoff was applied to results of the field survey, and components of monthly water budget were estimated. The unit area of ​​1 km2 was selected as the index area for the estimation. A component of habitant water consumption was added to the water budget to consider the contribution of human activity. Results indicated that the water storage was negative in May, June and July while the annual amount was approximately 0.0. Evaportanspiration attained maximum in August and its annual total share for 74.2% of annual precipitation. Results of this study are significant for the sustainable water conservation and utilization in the northern of Loess Plateau where annual water resources are relatively deficient.
为深入贯彻落实党的十五大和十五届四中、五中全会精神,保护、调动和发挥广大职工的主人翁积极性和创造性,推动群众性经济技术创新工程 (以下简称“创新工程” )健康有序、稳步
 村民自治章程 (以下简称《章程》 )和村规民约 (以下简称《规约》 ),是依据国家法律法规、党的方针政策,通过全体村民讨论制定,在本村具有一定效力和约束力的行为规范。章程、
核医学成像测量的是人体内的放射性浓度分布 ,这些放射性药物用对人体无毒的放射性同位素经过标志并通过静脉注射到人体组织的 ,这些具有放射性的示踪的药物根据它们的生理特