深学细悟 争做“五过硬”纪检干部

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《中国共产党纪律检查机关监督执纪工作规则(试行)》是纪检监察机关贯彻党的十八届六中全会精神,落实全面从严治党部署的重大举措和内部管理制度,为纪检监察机关和纪检监察干部监督执纪提供了有规可依、有章可循的规则和规矩。作为纪检干部,要深刻理解、学思践悟《规则》各项要求,努力把自己锻造成政治、思想、作风、能力、廉洁“五过硬”的纪检干部。 “The Rules and Regulations for the Supervision and Administration of Discipline Inspection by the Communist Party of China (Trial Implementation)” is the discipline inspection and supervision organ that carries out the spirit of the 6th Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, implements the major measures and the internal management system that are fully and strictly governing the deployment of the party, Discipline inspection and supervision cadre supervision and discipline provides a rule-based, rule-based rules and regulations. As a discipline inspection cadre, we must profoundly understand and learn to understand the requirements of the “rules” and strive to forge ourselves into a discipline inspection cadre of politics, ideology, style, ability and integrity.