一、中喀两日经贸合作前景广阔 我国大部分工业品,特别是民用工业品价廉物美,非常适合喀麦隆市场的需求水平。喀麦隆工商界更希望从中国引进资金、设备和技术,发展自己的工业。在整个非洲,喀麦隆政局相对稳定,属于最稳定的几个国家之一。喀麦隆的经济随着世界经济的发展,正进入一个稳定发展的阶段。
I. Prospects for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Kazak in the Last Two Days Most industrial products in our country, especially the civilian industrial products, are very cheap and suitable for the needs of the Cameroonian market. Cameroon’s business community also hopes to introduce capital, equipment and technology from China and develop its own industry. Throughout Africa, Cameroon has a relatively stable political situation and ranks among the most stable in several countries. Cameroon’s economy is entering a stage of steady development as the world economy develops.