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南宋嘉定末年的皇位继承是中枢政治的一件大事,从宁宗立贵诚(理宗即位前的名字)为皇子的旨意出发,是考察理宗的即位合法性以及史弥远在拥立过程中作用的另一角度。对宋理宗而言,证明其即位合法的最有力证据无疑是宁宗的圣谕或圣旨。然而立其为皇子的诏书却是个孤证,并不能真正反映宁宗的本意。除此外,不见宁宗任何明确的发言表态。宁宗虽然至死没能够立赵为皇太子,但宁宗中意的仍然是赵,而不是贵诚。他没有废赵、立贵诚的意愿。史弥远在拥立贵诚的过程中,发挥了主导作用,在得到杨皇后首肯后,废立得以完成。史弥远的作为改变了宁宗的既有决定,可谓是矫诏废立。 The succession of imperial throne in the last years of Jiading in the Southern Song Dynasty was a major event in central politics. Starting from the purpose of Ningzong Li Guicheng (the name before the ruling ascended the throne) for the imperial prince, it is to examine the immediate legitimacy of Li Zong and to investigate the legal status of Shi Miyuan Another point of view. For Song’s case, the most powerful proof of its legal validity is undoubtedly the ordination or imperial decree of Ning Zong. However, the imperial edict that sets it up as a prince is a solitary card and does not really reflect Ning Zong’s original intention. In addition, there is no clear statement by Ning Zong. Although Ning Zong did not stand Zhao Zhaowei as the crown prince, but Ning Zong favorite Zhao is still Zhao, rather than your sincere. He did not waste ZHAO, Li Guicheng wishes. Shi Miyuan played a leading role in the process of holding your company, and after it was approved by Yang Empress, waste management was completed. Shi Miyuan as a change of Ning Zong’s existing decisions, can be described as rectification Chao abolish.